nqrse Twitcast stream [12./13.03.20]

Highlights from nqrse's Twitcast stream the 12th March

- nqrse: "How are you. How are you guys. I'm alive."

- Listener: Your voice is too quiet

  nqrse: *turns down the BGM*

- nqrse: "That HikiFes got cancelled is sad, but... Well, I did want to attend, but... ww"

- nqrse: "People that have corona in their username really aren't to be messed with. They're                                dangerous."

- He then read about the corona infects numbers
  He's surprised about the differences between countries like Japan, USA and France

- nqrse: "What did you guys do today? YouTube? It has to be YouTube right"

- nqrse: "It's gotten warm lately."

  Listener: I'm cold

  nqrse: "Really? Stop lying."

- nqrse: "I'm hot. Because I'm a fatty. I'm just feeling hot because I'm fat."

- nqrse: "I'm the Utaite cooking champion. The Utaite cooking champion, me. Seriously."

- nqrse: "D-D-DJ nqrse-! *plays Nyan Cat*"

- Listener: Propose

  nqrse: "Ah, that's good. Males listen up. With my advice you won't fail, believe me."

- nqrse: "Justin... No, he's not here. He's definitely not here this time."

- nqrse: "Justin wasn't there huh. But if you think about it... 'Justin Bieber'. His name is Justin, so he                  probably won't play Mario Kart."
