nqrse Twitcast stream [05./06.03.20]

Highlights from nqrse's Twitcast stream on the 5th March

- nqrse: "What time did you get up today? Since it's school break- www At what time did you get up
               *reading comments* Ah- Ahahaha! That's really bad!!"

- nqrse: "I got a sample of the goods, they're really nice. Sorry to make you wait."

- nqrse: "[…] You should properly sleep 8 hours."

- nqrse: "To be honest, what I thought about the Corona virus at first was 'Good luck China', and                         when it came to us I was like 'Ah, it's in Japan...' and everyone should rest!"

- nqrse: "Should we mario-kart? Let's play Mario Kart and end it. It's been a while Nintendo                               Switch..."

              *he's using Mario Kart as a verb, he said 'mario-karting'

- nqrse: "Wait, Justin Bieber... Where is he right now?"

  nqrse, typing: "'How late is it in America'..."

- nqrse: "Spain... Espagnol-"

- nqrse: "I'm playing after such a long time and I'm still first place. But Justin isn't here..."
