Natsushiro Takaaki Twitcast stream [21.03.20]

Stream highlights of Natsushiro Takaaki's Twitcast stream on the 21st March

- He'd like to do a gaming stream again

- He thinks it's unfair that some guys wake up and already look handsome

- Natsushiro, after his cat meowed: "What's wrong? I just played with you earlier."

- Natsushiro: "Yeah, I'll do a morning routine, too. After I wake up, my hair looks messy. I eat an                                apple, go shower, then do my face and go back into my room. That's it."

  Listener: What about breakfast?

  Natsushiro: "Ah, I don't eat breakfast ww"

- Natsushiro: "I don't have a night routine, I really don't. It's random everyday. If I go to bed with or                           without taking a bath, it's random ww"

- Natsushiro: "Because I'm an Otaku, I have a display at my bed ww I'll put my iPad Pro there and                             watch YouTube until I fall asleep."

- Natsushiro: "I'll probably upload the next song in about... 3 weeks? It's kinda like Near, at least I                             think so."

- He recorded Karma in Korean and said he's doing his best to study the language

- Natsushiro: "I don't know the Japanese language. I'm seriously bad at it ww"

- He talked about KPop. He likes a band/song (I'm not interested in KPop, sorry) called Infinite. He      also knows Super Junior and 2PM and vaguely remembers Shinee

- Natsushiro: "I listened to BigBang, too. What was it... Ah, Bad Girl!"

- Natsushiro: "My family really liked KPop, they listened to it a lot w My little sister, too."

- Natsushiro: "I listened to BTS, too. I really like this song... 'Oh my my my, oh my my my'... I don't                          remember the title though ww I also like DNA."

- He wants to hold a release event for his, or rather Natsu to Suisei's, album MONSTERS in May if      possible. He's not sure though if May will be possible and might hold it in August instead

- Natsushiro: "It's hard because of corona, but I'm totally fine. Really, I'm absolutely fine. If you saw                         me on YouTube (AmaKuroNatsu's gaming stream, which I also translated) you know                           I'm alive ww I'm really fine, please, don't worry about me."

- He talked a lot about the Olympics and what would happen if they get cancelled because of corona
