NanaJel YouTube stream [29.03.20]

Highlights of Nanamori & Jel's YouTube stream (SutoPuri 24 hours relay) on the 29th of March

- Nanamori: "Jel-kun!"

  Jel: "What?"

  Nanamori: "Jel-kun!"

  Jel: "What?"

  Nanamori: "Jel-kun!"

  Jel: "What!?"

- Nanamori said Jel's sister is a tsundere
   Apparently she doesn't say he did well on concerts, still attends with a lightstick, though

- They're talking about the understanding of their family towards what they do
  Nanamori says their parents probably don't even know what YouTube is, and they really don't                understand why they use nicknames instead of their real names
  His mom also watched his solo stream before

- Nanamori mocked Jel because he doesn't get nervous before interviews or such and just stays "Jel, the    mood-maker"

- They played Ultimate Chicken Horse 
   Nanamori, falling down: "Ah, I'm sorry sheep... It's my fault... Because of me... You were screaming     so loudly..."

- They did a punishment game. Since Jel won the first game, if Mori lost this one, too, he'd have to          do it. If Jel lost now they'd have done rock paper scissors to decide
  In the end Mori lost and had to implement certain things to his Twitter account

  1. Tweeting "Chu"
  2. Putting "chu" into his bio
  3. Saying he's "Nanamori's kiss account"
