nqrse Twitcast stream [10./11.01.20]

Highlights from nqrse's Twitcast stream on the 10th January

- Listener, in English: Can you speak English a little bit?

  nqrse, in English: "No, no, no!"

- He complained about Shoose tweeting "I wanna look like XY", or "I want to be handsome".
  He said he's already cool enough and doesn't have to change

- A listener suggested he should play erotic games

  Listener: Soraru played them

  nqrse: "My Aniki would never do that."

  Listener: He did

  nqrse: "HE DID!? HE DID-!? WWWWW THAT'S FUNNY WW I mean, it's cool I guess ww"

  nqrse: "But I couldn't play them with you. That would be embarrassing... It's not okay to do that on                stream, right?"

- nqrse, finishing a Mario Kart round in first place: "Eh? Am I maybe good at this game?"

- nqrse: "Should I maybe become a YouTuber? ww *reading comments* No, I'm not hiding my                         alcohol, I didn't drink."

- nqrse: "I really didn't drink, I swear. I didn't drink."

- nqrse, mainly talking about NikuChomo: "How these funny YouTubers keep up everyday is really                                                                          amazing..."
