nqrse Twitcast stream [17./18.10.19]

Highlights from nqrse's Twitcast stream on the 17th October

- nqrse: "Yes, long time no see."

- nqrse: "Summer is for eating watermelon. How do you eat watermelon? With a spoon and fork?                     Isn't that difficult?"

- nqrse: "I'm talking about food. I have nothing interesting to talk about, so I'm talking about food.                   Nothing happened recently."

- nqrse, reading the chat after he slapped his mic on accident: "Ahh, happy birthday! (to Mafu) And                                                                                                         they did a song for Pokemon, woah."

- Listener: Is Soraru a cat?

  nqrse: "I saw my timeline and wondered. Aniki, what are you doing?"

- Listener: What are you drinking today?

  nqrse: "... Gin Tonic.
              www Die, die www It's strawberry milk."
